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Y7 Admissions

If your child is currently in Year 5 and you would like them to sit the entrance test for entry to Year 7, you will need to register online between May and June.  The entrance test itself takes place on a Saturday in the September of Year 6.

The qualifying score for entry in September 2022 remained at 205.

The priority score was 222 for 2020 entry and 224 for 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 entry.

There is a short video on admissions here. A more detailed version can be found at the end of the page.

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The current admissions map and admissions policy for 2024 entry are available at the end of this page. 

The proposed admissions map and admissions policy for 2025 entry are also listed below, at the end of the list of downloadable documents. 

For sixth form admissions, please visit the sixth form area here.


Widening Access

At the King Edward VI Foundation, we welcome children from all backgrounds into our schools.

As part of our efforts to further improve the accessibility of our schools, children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium can receive early access to our online support platform to help them to become familiar with the kinds of questions that will be in the entrance test.We partner with Atom Home to deliver this support.

If your child is in Year 4 or 5 and has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please fill in the form by clicking the link below. You will be given free access to Atom Home for your child when their Pupil Premium status has been verified by their primary school.

Follow this link to access the form.

Atom is a fun, free platform which adapts to your child’s level. As a parent, you will be able to see how your child is progressing and keep up to date with new homework your child has been assigned.

Register for the Entrance Test

Admissions to Year 7 are organised by the King Edwards Foundation, and not directly by the school.

Register online here:

A home Local Authority preference form will also need to be completed. The LA will consider your application to each of the schools you have named on your home LA preference form. You can name up to six schools.
Results will be sent out by the Local Authorities on 1 March each year (or the next working day). (If your LA allows applications online then results may arrive sooner by email than those posted.)

Information on how places are allocated is given in your home LA booklet. Please read the booklet very carefully.

All Local Authorities have an equal preference system so, if your child meets the criteria for two or more schools, the LA will offer you a place at the school you have ranked highest on the LA form. Therefore, if you put a grammar school first on your LA Form, but your child is not successful in the entrance test, you will not put at risk your chance of being offered a place at any other school you have listed. Your child’s application for other schools will be treated in the same way as every other application. For example, it will depend on the distance between your home and the school for most comprehensive schools. Remember, if grammar schools are you first choice, put them first on the LA preference form.

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For more information about the King Edward’s Foundation, visit their website: